Friday, November 17, 2006

Happy Half Birthday!

Today is Taylor's Half Birthday! Wow! She's 6 months old!

We went to the doctor and were in for a surprise. She's really beefed up! She's 16 lbs, 10 oz., which puts her in the 70th percentile for weight and 27 1/2 inches, which puts her above the 95th percentile for height. She's a BIG girl. I guess it's those apples and nanas she started on a couple weeks ago...She's never even been above the 50th for weight.

She's having a pretty good half birthday. She slept almost over 10 hours last night, which made for a good day for mommy. And this morning she got a bunch of shots and has slept half the day away. So, mommy is getting alot done today. Actually, mommy is putting up Christmas decorations, so it's a WONDERFUL day! We LOVE Christmas at the Duty home, so we are getting a headstart.

Anyways, all that to say, HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY to our little princess!


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    This picture is hilarious.. now all the Haseloff/Duty girls have a picture with that hat on. I love it!

  2. We LOVE putting up Christmas too! We put ours up a little early usually also, so we're with ya on that. I savor every day with the Christmas tree up.
    Also, we LOVE celebrating half-birthdays! Don't stop that! This is one of those Bacak traditions that Heather makes fun of me for, but it's an extra fun day in the year.


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