Monday, September 24, 2012

Messy Party

Easton turned 3 in July and we thought it very fitting for him to have a 
"Messy Party" since he is our own personal Mr. Messy. 

Seriously, no matter how many times I tell him that his shirt is not a napkin and offer him a real napkin, his shirt still ends up looking like he lost some sort of battle after a PB&J lunch. Not only that, he goes straight for the mud, the puddles, the dirt and the sand when given the opportunity 
(or really, when given a second out of my eyesight, to be more accurate). 

So, here's our recap of the Messy Party:

 First off, Spaghetti Relay

The kids split into teams and had to grab handfuls of oily spaghetti and run with it to the other side where there was a bucket to measure which team got the most without spilling. These little ones could not have cared less about winning, as a matter of fact, there were some putting there noodles in the wrong bucket. We called it a tie (if anyone cared!).

 Next up, Conquer the Donut!

We hung powdered donuts by string and tied them to a low tree (with varying heights). Each child had to put their hands behind their backs and attempt to bite the donut using only their mouth. This was actually hilarious. The older kids really got into the this. The younger ones just grabbed their donuts and started eating them. Several did that before the game even got under way!

Cheerios Face-Off: We spread icing on their faces and they had to (without hands) stick as many Cheerios on their faces as they could in 30 seconds

We had several stations that kids could help themselves to, such as 
Painting, Rock Painting and Body Painting (made with shave cream):





 And, the Dirty Dig = kiddie pool filled with dirt, play snakes, trucks and shovels


Can't forget the Washing Station (some kids didn't want to stay quite as messy as my Mr. Messy)

Messy Cake-Eating was the highlight for my little man! 


The kids had a fantastic time and the adults agreed that next time, 
we want to have a grown-up messy party! Now, that will be truly fantastic!

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  1. Kendra! I nominated you for an award called the Leibstar award! Go to my page for more details! Love your heart for Jesus and your blog.

  2. Thanks so much, Lindsey! I have been trying to find more time to blog, unfortunately, I haven't done such a great job! I am thankful for the award though!



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