Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beaded Serving Spoons

Let me start by saying, anyone can make these. I taught my MOPS group how to make them and even self-proclaimed craft rookies cranked these out to perfection. So tune back in if you are one of those who tunes out every time there is a post about crafting.

I LOVE THESE! Not only are they beautiful, we have lots of people in our house every week, and I will get to show them off on a weekly (or maybe daily with how busy we are this spring) basis to serve up dinners and desserts.

I believe they would also make an adorable hostess gift, Christmas gift, Mother's Day gift...you name it! I actually gave out many of them this Christmas, along with etched dishes, like these, for a lovely package deal.

Let's get started!

What you need:
  • Glass or crystal beads of all sizes
  • 20-24 gauge stainless steel wire (20 is super sturdy, 22 and 24 are less thick/sturdy), approximately 30 inches per spoon
  • Stainless steel serving spoons
  • Pliers
  • Tape measure

1. Start wire going up the spoon about half an inch, loop long piece of wire around spoon and back through the half inch piece where you started. Use pliers to loop the small piece around the other piece several times until the end is not showing anymore. It may still feel loose at this point, but it will begin to be very secure once you get to the top with your beads. I left about ½ “ at the bottom because if you get lower than that, it can slip off.

2. Begin to put beads on, beginning with the smaller beads and leading up to the larger beads since it starts narrow, gets larger and then is narrow again. For each row that you bead, circle the wire around very tightly and then start with your next row of beads.

3. Once you get to the top, loop your wire around to the back and loop it through the other wire a few times like you did at the bottom until it’s not showing anymore. Use your pliers to help!

Enjoy serving with these! It's the little things, isn't it?

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  1. Kendra,

    We are looking into crafts for MOPS next year and I love these! How did you get serving spoons on a budget?

  2. Christine,

    We ordered them in bulk off of ebay. I hope you can find some in your price range! You may also check Target. At that time, they had some 2-packs for $2, which is a great deal!


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