Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bible Reading Plans

For the past few years, Allen and I have been doing Bible reading plans for reading the Bible in a Year. We have done the ESV Plan and the Discipleship Journal Plan (I wrote a blog post about it last year.

This year I want to do something different. I have been given such perspective by reading the Bible in full...such an overarching picture of God's grace and His character...such an amazing story of redemption. I have loved it.

But this year, I am yearning to have more scriptures written on my heart. I came across the ESV Bible Memory Plan....Treasuring God's Truth in Your Heart. You memorize one scripture a week, 52 in a year. Each week is a different truth that you are memorizing scripture about.

The plan recommends:

1)on the first day reading the scripture aloud 10 times, saying it 10 times without looking.
2) on the second day repeating 10 times without looking (if possible).
3) repeating the verse each day for the rest of the week.
4) saying each previously memorized verse once a day
5) having a partner to keep you on track
6) being committed and praying! Ask God to write these scriptures on your heart.

I am very excited about this! I'm not sure if Allen is going to do this with me, so if you need a partner, let me know. I may not have one just yet.

Also, here is the Gospel Coalition's list of plans.

Happy Bible reading and memorizing!

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  1. I could use some accountability in this area if Allen isn't on board.

  2. I can't get that link to work. is it a list? i would like to see it.

    I wanted to show you a system that works with our kids. here is the link:

    it's a index card box, like you would use for recipes, and you gradually move verses back from daily to every other day, then weekly, then monthly review. so for example on monday the 27th, you review 4 verses: the daily verse, the "odd" verse, the monday verse, and the 27th verse. but really i keep a new verse in the daily section for about two weeks and move it back more slowly, so we have maybe 6-8 to go over each day. i go through the box every weekday with the kids and we add a new verse or two a week.

    i also put an app on my iphone that i use for review. i like it pretty well; but you have to manually load the verses by typing or cutting and pasting which is kind of a pain. but it's set up as a word game which is actually pretty fun.

    blessings! would love to see you soon.

  3. Brittney8:11 AM

    I love this! A friend and I are going to do this in 2011, along with reading through the bible chronologically. Thanks for sharing, sis! We can have some added long-distance accountability:)

  4. Brandi - thanks for passing that along! That is super helpful!

  5. Brandi - what is the name of the app?


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