Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bible Curriculum for Children

I have had many people ask me what curriculum I use for teaching the Bible to my kids. Other than doing family worship, which Allen leads, we do a Bible class once a week that me and a friend switch off teaching. The curriculum we use is from John Piper's ministry, Desiring God. The children end of things is called Children Desiring God. Instead of telling you how this curriculum is different than other curriculums, listen and watch for yourself.

Children Desiring God promo for Teachers/Volunteers from Children Desiring God on Vimeo.

I can't say enough good things about this material. God has used it to bear fruit in my children's lives, much of which is to come. I trust in the work He is doing in their hearts inwardly, whether or not I see overwhelming change and outward understanding, though it's definitely there. Taylor Joy is asking more questions about Jesus than ever. God promises that "His word will not return void." I'm banking on it.

Additionally, I have grown tremendously in preparing these lessons. It's not a quick, glance and prep for the day tomorrow kind of a lesson. It's a sit down, open the Word, pray and trust God to teach you the Word and what will be beneficial for your specific kids to hear. I am so thankful that I became aware of this curriculum and that my children are receiving a glimpse into the Word in this Christ-centered way.

There are many different categories for curriculum. They have studies for Toddler and Nursery age, Preschool age, School age and Youth. If you go to the site, you can see curriculum samples for each lesson. Hope this info is helpful for you!


  1. Thanks! I'll look into it. I'm looking to integrate a specific Bible class into our homeschool, and I don't want to just replicate our evening Bible studies with Daddy. I'm wanting something slightly more school-ish but still enjoyable. thanks for the tip!

  2. Thanks Kendra! This is good to know for sure. We miss your family! Love you guys.


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