Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Tribute

It breaks my heart to be writing this. Our precious Taylor Falligant, close friend of my family, Taylor Joy's namesake, and like a little sister to me, passed away on Monday morning, January 15th. I just want to take a couple minutes to remember her short but well-lived life, and the lasting impact she made on so many.

As a baby she was probably the cutest ever (along with another Taylor I know...). She grew up in our house since my mom took care of her and we felt like she was our sister from day one. Those bright eyes, and precious smile...we all knew she'd be a knockout and were we ever right!

My family and I still talk about some of her most precious sayings like, "pur danden" (Poor David, who happened to be sick), her songs like, "skimarinky dinky dink skimarinky do, I love you!," and a million other things that make us smile to this day.

I googled Taylor to see if I could find some other pictures of her (and I did) but before I did there was about 4 pages of her accomplishments. Gymnastics meets, track meets, band qualifying events, etc. She was literally GREAT at everything she tried. The girl could also sing and play volleyball, cheerleading, any other school sport, but she had to narrow it down for time's sake.

Taylor was the apple of everyone's eye. Sweet, smart, gentle, kind, beautiful (thought she never let on), talented, humble, the girl you love to be around...

Here's an article about her: http://gazetteextra.com/falligant011507.asp

Taylor, you are loved abundantly, cherished richly, and missed constantly.

Dance with Jesus for me. I know you'll be great at that too.

Please keep her family in your prayers.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Matthew 11:28-30


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    what a precious life...I'll be praying for her family and those by whom she'll be missed deeply...that they may rejoice that she is with the Father...and that He is good.

  2. oh how different the Lord's ways are compared to ours... I'm always saddened when either I hear of these things or they actually happen to me, but in the case of believers, it's so comforting to know that there really isn't a whole lot sad about it.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I think about Taylor all the time and how her smile was so friendly and kind! I knew her for 7.5 yrs. When I heard the news monday morn I just froze in shock, I thought it was a mistake. I wish I could take all the pain away and bring Taylor back! I will pray and think about her and the whole family everyday of my life. God is with our Taylor I know she is watching from above and she has a big smile on her face knowing how much she was loved. I also want to wrap my arms around Taryn & Toni and let them know we love them very much.
    God bless the Falligant family
    miss ya Tay and Love ya

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I am praying for ya'll! I know that this kind of a loss is not easy! know the the Lord is the only comforter and turn to him during your time of grief!


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